The Danger of Pornography and the Need for Healing

By: Caitlin Forst

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?
For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body”
(Corinthians 6:19-20).

Bishop Loverde writes in a 2006 pastoral letter “Bought with a Price” about the purity to which God calls us, the destruction pornography causes in individuals and families and the help that can be sought by those experiencing this addiction. The popularity of this booklet (in its second printing) amongst counselors, parishes, large retreats and individuals speaks to the very real danger of pornography in our culture and the desire for healing.

Bishop Loverde writes, “What man should use for receiving the true vision of God and the beauty of His creation, he uses instead to consume false images of others in pornography. How can we understand the supernatural sight God desires for us – i.e. the contemplation of God in the beatific vision – once our natural sight has been damaged and distorted?”

Since 2006, Bishop Loverde and others have continued the fight against pornography. One such effort has been with the Religious Alliance Against Pornography (RAAP) through which churches have asked cell phones companies to safeguard against pornography.

Please join with Bishop Loverde in praying this prayer to St. Joseph:

O most provident guardian of the Holy Family, defend the chosen children of Jesus Christ. Most beloved father, dispel the evil of impurity and sin. Our most mighty protector, graciously assist us from heaven in our struggle with the powers of darkness. And just as you once saved the Child Jesus from mortal danger, so now defend this family from the snares of her enemies and from all adversity. Shield each one of us by your constant protection, so that, supported by your example and your help, we may be able to live a virtuous life, to die a holy death, and to obtain eternal happiness in heaven. Amen.

Action Steps:

  • You can find an order form for “Bought With a Price,” and “Bought With a Price” in Spanish, as well as for the pamphlets for “Youth and Young Adults” or “Engaged and Married Couples” here.
  • You can find one of RAAP’s pamphlets, “Sex and Cell Phones,” here.

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